Panel Discussion on Decade for People of African Descent - 33rd Meeting, 43rd Regular Session Human Rights Council
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Debate on the midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent (Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination)
Debate on the midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent (Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination)
Opening statements: Ms. Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
• Ms. Susana Matute Charún, Director of Public Policies for the Afro-Peruvian Population, Ministry of Culture of Peru
• Ms. Nadia Adongo Musah, Deputy Director of Diaspora Affairs, Office of the President of the Republic of Ghana (video message)
• Ms. Monica Ferro, Director of the United Nations Population Fund Office in Geneva
• Ms. Elisabeth Kaneza, Founder and Chair of the Kaneza Foundation for Dialogue and Empowerment, Germany
Under Agenda Item 6: Universal periodic review
42nd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council.
HRC extranet (information on daily updates, draft documentation, copies of oral statements etc.)
Peru (on behalf of a Group of Countries), Ms. Silvia Elena Alfaro Espinosa
European Union, Ms. Ana E. Brito Maneira
Haiti (on behalf of CARICOM), Mr. Didier Georges
South Africa (on behalf of the African Group), Mr. Ivan Charles Vosloo
Azerbaijan (on behalf of the NAM), Mr. Emin Aslanov
Guyana (on behalf of a Group of Countries), Ms. Neishanta Annastacia Orissa Benn
Costa Rica, Ms. Shara Duncan Villalobos
Ecuador, Mr. Alejandro Dávalos Dávalos
Pakistan, Mr. Tahir Hussain Andrabi
South Africa, Mr. Wesley Crowley
Brazil, Mr. Nero C. Ferreira
Namibia, Mr. Penda Andreas Naanda
International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR), Mr. Taisuke Komatsu (Joint Statement)
Réseau International des Droits Humains (RIDH), Mr. Sergio Alameda
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations, Mr. Hachem El Hani (Joint Statement)
Vanuatu, Ms. Sumbue Antas
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Mr. Emilio Segundo Barroeta Guillén
Indonesia, Mr. Anindityo A. Primasto
Qatar, Mr. Talal Abdulaziz Al-Naama
Nepal, Mr. Tirtha Raj Wagle
China, Ms. Wang Yi
Cuba, Mr. Pablo Berti
Russian Federation, Ms. Kristina Sukacheva
Senegal, Mr. Amadou Dame Sall
Angola, Mr. António Nzita Mbemba
Belgium, Mr. Pieter Leenknegt
Human Rights Society of Maranhão, Ms. Wanna Santanna
International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM), Mr. Ronald Barnes
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights, Mr. Dashti Abdulhameed
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