Common Agenda consultation 2: "Accelerating the SDGs through sustainable financing and building trust"
Panel discussion with representatives from the UN system.
(Part 3/4) Accelerating the SDGs through sustainable financing and building trust, Cluster 2 - General Assembly, Informal thematic consultations as a follow-up to the report of the Secretary-General entitled "Our Common Agenda", 76th session
The second thematic cluster (14-15 February 2022) entitled "Accelerating the SDGs through sustainable financing and building trust" will primarily cover inter alia [proposals in chapters II and III of the Common Agenda report, including] paragraphs 21 (listening exercises), 23 (rule of law), 25 (tax and illicit financial flows), 26 (public information code of conduct), 35 (disinformation), 38 (GDP), 73 (global economy, biennial G20-ECOSOC-SG-IFI summit), 74 (fairer trading system), 75 (financial integrity), 76 (sustainable business models) and 124 (UN budget).