Celebrating Ability: Investing in and Accompanying Children and Adults with Down Syndrome and their Families (CSW68 Side Event)
People with Down syndrome may require specialized health care for conditions that can occur in connection with Down syndrome. They need social integration, education, and job opportunities. Above all, society more broadly, needs to be sensitized to the great gift that persons with Down syndrome are to their mothers, families and society.
Knowing and living with a person with Down syndrome is life changing for those who have this privilege. Contrary to widespread misconceptions about persons with disabilities, persons with Down syndrome contribute to their families and society at large. While there is growing awareness of the inherent dignity of person with Down syndrome, there is still much to be done for a greater understanding of their contribution to societies in every sphere of life, be it spiritually, socially, or economically, especially when they are afforded the social protection they need.
Organizers: The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations and the Center for Family and Human Rights.