Seizing Innovative Financing Opportunities for Digital Connectivity and Capacity Building -(ECOSOC FfD Forum Side Event)
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Of all technologies, digital has been synonymous with innovation and transformation of our economies and societies. Even during the pandemic, the digital sector was proven to be resilient and became a new source of growth amidst economic contraction. Digitalization holds the potential of shaping a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable world, bringing acceleration across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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The side event serves as an open dialogue platform to discuss the possibilities of pooling funding and investment from donor countries, multilateral development banks, private sectors, and other stakeholders, including by strengthening the role of MDBs. In so doing, this initiative is particularly aimed to achieve universal connectivity and affordable access to the Internet, promote the development and use of information and communications technology and infrastructure, including capacity-building, sharing expertise for finding a more sustainable business model, as well as accelerate technology transfer to developing countries in order to expand more choices of technologies which finally supports a more manageable business activities.
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