15th Meeting - 57th Regular Session of Human Rights Council
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57th regular session of the Human Rights Council (09 September – 11 October 2024)
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- Panel on quality education for peace and tolerance for every child (HRC res.54/5)
- Ms. Marcela Maria Arias Moncada, Vice-President of the Human Rights Council
- Ms. Nada Al-Nashif, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (Introduction)
- Ms. Alua Nadirkulova, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan
- Ms. Mikiko Otani, Member and former Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
- Ms. Eyerusalem Azmeraw, Program Officer, UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa
- Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe Torres, Executive Director of the Geneva Office of Arigatou International
- Ms. Vinaya, Child Rights Advocate from India
- Iran (Islamic Republic of), Mr. Jalalian Askar, Deputy Minister Of Justice Of Iran
- El Salvador, Mr. José Roberto Chavez Moran
- Austria (on behalf of a group of countries), Ms. Katharina Schaufler
- Lithuania (on behalf of a group of countries), Mr. Darius Staniulis
- European Union, Ms. Nanna Andersen
- Luxembourg (on behalf of a group of countries), Mr. Marc Bichler
- Uruguay (on behalf of a group of countries), Ms. Patricia Benitez
- Qatar (on behalf of GCC), Ms. Hend Al-Muftah
- United Arab Emirates (on behalf of Arab Group), Mr. Jamal Jama Al Musharakh
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (on behalf of Groupe des États Membres de la Francophonie - OIF), Mr. Paul Empole Losoko Efambe
- Namibia, Mr. Jerry Mika
- Sierra Leone, Mr. Samuel Saffa
- Israel, Ms. Merav Marks
- State of Palestine, Ms. Dima Asfour
- Defence for Children International, Mr. Mohamad Skaf
- Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, Mr. Seyed Mohammad Mahdi
- Make Mothers Matter, Mr. Manon Robin
- International Organization for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education (OIDEL), Ms. María Sol Caballero
- Plan International, Inc., Mr. Enzo Tabet Cruz
- Jubilee Campaign, Mr. Joseph Anwar
- Zambia, Ms. Mulina Lisimba
- Afghanistan, Mr. Mohibullah Taib
- Togo, Ms. Hassana Titipkina
- Mauritius, Ms. Tejaswinee Burumdoyal
- United Arab Emirates, Mr. Saeed Al Shamsi
- Senegal, Mr. Tamsir Gueye
- Tunisia, Mr. Ramzi Louati
- Qatar, Mr. Mohammed Almalki
- UNICEF, Ms. Vanessa Anne Wyeth
- Costa Rica, Ms. Viviana Tinoco Monge
- Armenia, Ms. Lilit Toutkhalian
- Burkina Faso, Mr. Moumouni Ouedraogo
- Cote d'Ivoire, Ms. Ahou Rosine Kangah
- Indonesia, Mr. Aidil Khairunsyah
- World Jewish Congress, Mr. Leon Saltiel
- British Humanist Association, Mr. Lewis Young
- Medical Support Association for Underprivileged Iranian Patients, Ms. Omeh Leila Enayati
- Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, Mr. Mahdi Mohebirad
- ECO-FAWN - Environment Conservation Organization - Foundation for Afforestation Wild Animals and Nature, Ms. Tehemeena Syed
- Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan, Mr. Hansraj Singh
- New Humanity (Joint statement), Mr. Jorge Dias Ferreira
- Ms. Mikiko Otani, Member and former Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (Final remarks)
- Ms. Eyerusalem Azmeraw, Program Officer, UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (Final remarks)
- Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe Torres, Executive Director of the Geneva Office of Arigatou International (Final remarks)
- ITEM 3: ID with WG on arbitrary detention (Cont'd)
- Redress Trust, Ms. Tatyana Eatwell
- Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man, Ms. Shahd Qaddoura
- International Foundation Witnesses Ashoora, Ms. Mahdieh Gholamiaghamahalli
- International Probono Legal Services Association Limited, Mr. Jun Ho
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Mr. Basel Alsourani
- Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Mr. Kai Mueller
- Harm Reduction International, Ms. Giada Girelli
- Association of Iranian Jurists Defending Human Rights, Ms. Fatemeh Hajiali Khamsei
- Mr. Matthew Gillett, Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group (Final remarks)
- ITEM 3: ID with Expert Mechanism on right to development
- Mr. Mihir Kanade, Member of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development
- European Union, Ms. Markéta Homolkova
- Uganda (on behalf of Movement of Non-Aligned Countries - NAM), Ms. Mary Kibere Namono
- Kuwait, Ms. Mary Kibere Namono
- Lesotho, Ms. Nthabiseng Lelisa
- Luxembourg, Ms. Ernstine Kornelis
- Oman, Mr. Talal Al Siyabi
- Brazil, Mr. Wallace Medeiros De Melo Alves
- Iraq, Mr. Yaser Salarian
- Colombia, Mr. Alavaro Ayala
- Algeria, Ms. Habiba Kherrour
- Indonesia, Mr. Aidil Khairunsyah
- Malawi, Mr. Joseph Gibson
- Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ms. Mansoureh Haghighi
- Saudi Arabia, Ms. Shatha Adel Alahmadi
- Ghana, Mr. Michael Asomani
- Cuba, Ms. Greisy Cordero
- Pakistan, Mr. Jawad Ali
- Russian Federation, Mr. Nikolay Kalashnikov
- Bangladesh, Mr. Sourov Das Gupta Bijoy
- Zimbabwe, Ms. Constance Zhanje
- Mauritania, Mr. Cheikh Abbe Bewbe
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Mr. Jimmy Alexanders
- Ethiopia, Mr. Andualem Yalelet Tessema
- China, Ms. Li Xinda
- Uganda, Ms. Mary Kibere Namono