Side Events

Digital transformation artificial intelligence…

Digital transformation artificial intelligence and the digital gender gap: strategies and solutions (HLPF 2023 Side Event)

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In the context of the in-depth review of SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) by the 2023 high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) and the consultations in preparation for the Global Digital Compact, the Permanent Missions of Austria and Rwanda and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) are inviting to a Ministerial-level side-event on the digital transformation, artificial intelligence and the digital gender gap.
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The objective of the event is to discuss challenges and lessons learned, showcase best practices, and develop recommendations for improving gender-transformative innovation ecosystems, so as to fully harness the potential of the digital transformation and AI for manufacturing.

Also, the UNIDO publication "Gender, Digital Transformation, and AI" will be launched at the event.

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