Meetings & Events

Towards a more efficient and impactful Collaborative…

Towards a more efficient and impactful Collaborative Partnership on Forests

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The Collaborative Partnership on Forests, established in 2001 (ECOSOC resolution 2015/33) is an informal, voluntary arrangement among 16 international organizations and secretariats with substantial programmes on forests. The effectiveness of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) in performing its functions and in achieving the objectives of the IAF is currently under review as part of the International Arrangement on Forests.
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This event aims to provide information and build better understanding of the ongoing work of the CPF, explore pathways to strengthen CPF's support to UNFF Member States, and to collect views and informal feedback from them. The side event will also offer an opportunity to identify next steps to be taken regarding Member States' engagement and contributions to the CPF's work.
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