مجلس الأمن

ليبيا - مجلس الأمن الجلسة 9053

ليبيا - مجلس الأمن الجلسة 9053

تاريخ الإنتاج
مدة الفيديو
الجهة المسؤولة عن البث
جغرافية الموضوع
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The Security Council decided today to renew measures designed to implement the arms embargo against Libya for another year, in particular those authorizing Member States — acting nationally or through regional organizations — to inspect vessels on the high seas off Libya’s coast believed to be in violation of the arms embargo imposed on that country.

Adopting resolution 2635 (2022) (to be issued as document S/RES/2635(2022)) by a vote of 14 in favour to none against, with one abstention (Russian Federation), the Council extended authorizations set out in resolution 2578 (2021).  It also requested the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of today’s resolution within six months and eleven months.

Vasily Nebenzya of the Russian Federation, in explanation of position, said the inspections regime has not contributed to a decrease in the illicit trade of weapons, with vessel inspection having been taken over by the European Union.  Further, the European Union Naval Force Mediterranean Operation IRINI over recent years has not been particularly effective in helping implement the provisions of the Libya arms embargo, he said, adding that there has not been a successful seizure of any contraband goods.

Moreover, the work of the European navy is not always transparent, he pointed out.  It had exclusive channels of discussion with the panel of experts of the Security Council 1970 Committee, although members of that subsidiary of the Council do not have terms of agreement for such channels of communication.  The Russian Federation will continue to examine whether Operation IRINI is effective in combating flows of illegal weapons and whether it is in line with the law of the seas and the mandate set forth in resolution 2292 (2016).

The meeting began at 10:01 a.m. and ended at 10:07 a.m.

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