General Assembly

First Committee, 10th plenary meeting - General…

First Committee, 10th plenary meeting - General Assembly, 78th session

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Disarmament and International Security Committee.
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General debate on all disarmament and international security agenda items (from 90 to 106) General debate: Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly - Item 120 and Programme planning - Item 135 A/C.1/78/1, A/C.1/78/INF/1, A/C.1/78/INF/4, A/78/27, A/78/29, A/78/42, A/78/75, A/78/76, A/78/81, A/78/111, A/78/115, A/78/116, A/78/117, A/78/118, A/78/120, A/78/123, A/78/124, A/78/126, A/78/128, A/78/132, A/78/133, A/78/138, A/78/139, A/78/140, A/78/151, A/78/152, A/78/153, A/78/158, A/78/163, A/78/164, A/78/165, A/78/205 (Part I), A/78/205 (Part II), A/78/265, A/78/266, A/78/268, A/78/287, A/C.1/78/L.1, A/C.1/78/L.2, A/C.1/78/L.4, A/C.1/78/L.5, A/C.1/78/L.6, A/C.1/78/L.7, A/C.1/78/L.8, A/C.1/78/L.9, A/C.1/78/L.10, A/C.1/78/L.13.
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