General Assembly

Fifth Committee, 29th meeting - General Assembly…

Fifth Committee, 29th meeting - General Assembly, 77th session

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Administrative and Budgetary Committee.
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  • Organization of work


General discussion

  • Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors - Item 135

 A/77/5 (Vol.II), A/77/766, A/77/802

Introduction and general discussion

  • Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations - Item 151

Cross-cutting issues

 A/77/747, A/77/816, A/77/748, A/77/831, A/77/757, A/77/736, A/77/832, A/77/278 (Part II), A/C.5/77/30, A/C.5/77/29

Introduction and general discussion

  • Financing of peacekeeping operations

Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus - Item 155

 A/77/595, A/77/722, A/77/767/Add.1

Financing of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti - Item 159

 A/77/620, A/77/775

Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - Item 160

 A/77/589, A/77/723, A/77/767/Add.4, A/77/734

Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East - Item 163

United Nations Disengagement Observer Force - Item 163 (a)

 A/77/594, A/77/725, A/77/754, A/77/767/Add.2

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - Item 163 (b)

 A/77/602, A/77/740, A/77/767/Add.9

Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara - Item 165

 A/77/598, A/77/731, A/77/767/Add.3

Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur - Item 166

 A/77/638, A/77/780

Introduction and general discussion

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