General Assembly

Second Committee, 25th plenary meeting - General…

Second Committee, 25th plenary meeting - General Assembly, 78th session

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Economic and Financial Committee.
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⁃ Macroeconomic policy questions - Item 16 (A/C.2/78/L.4/Rev.1) ⁃ External debt sustainability and development - Item 16 (c) (A/C.2/78/L.69) ⁃ Promotion of inclusive and effective international cooperation on tax matters at the United Nations - Item 16 (h) (A/C.2/78/L.18/Rev.1) ● PBI statement A/C.2/78/L.73 ⁃ Follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the International Conferences on Financing for Development - Item 17 (A/C.2/78/L.59) ● PBI statement A/C.2/78/L.74 ⁃ Sustainable development - Item 18 ⁃ Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind - Item 18 (d) (A/C.2/78/L.35/Rev.1) ● Amendment contained in A/C.2/78/CRP.6 ⁃ Convention on Biological Diversity - Item 18 (f) (A/C.2/78/L.68) ⁃ Eradication of poverty and other development issues - Item 21 ⁃ Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018–2027) - Item 21 (a) (A/C.2/78/L.60) ⁃ Operational activities for development - Item 22 ⁃ South-South cooperation for development - Item 22 (b) (A/C.2/78/L.66) ⁃ Agriculture development, food security and nutrition - Item 23 ⁃ Agriculture development, food security and nutrition - Item 23 (a) (A/C.2/78/L.65) ⁃ Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly - Item 120 (A/C.2/78/L.67, A/C.2/78/L.75) ● Draft programme of work and timetable at the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly contained in A/C.2/78/CRP.1 ⁃ Action on draft proposals listed above ⁃ Conclusion of the work of the Second Committee for the main part of the session 
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