Meetings & Events

Follow-up to the UNPFII Recommendations: Towards…

Follow-up to the UNPFII Recommendations: Towards a study on Media and Indigenous Peoples (UNPFII Side Event)

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Follow-up to the UNPFII Recommendations: Towards a study on Media and Indigenous Peoples (UNPFII Side Event)
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On the margins of the 23rd session of the UNPFII, the multistakeholder meeting will:

  • Inform UNPFII members and interested stakeholders of the progress of the study
  • Present the results of the desk and literature research conducted around the world in the fields of communication, journalism, media, and Indigenous studies to assess media development, pluralism and diversity in the media and their impact on Indigenous People.
  • Discuss strategies to address the identified gaps, challenges, and limitations in the conduct of the study.
  • Present the draft methodology and survey instrument for data collection at the global level
  • Facilitate dialogue among media organizations, including Indigenous Peoples media, and media experts to develop strategic recommendations to be included in the study.
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